Ok so all the people who left bad reviews, whats that word again?- Oh yeah!... Haters...
I mean seriously, I cant even begin to describe how amazing this app is. And FYI, no, I wasnt fascinated by the story from the second I started reading, it was kind of dull at first, but I decided not to give up on it. And a good decision it was because the plot, the settings, the character interactions, its all really interesting. Its just a fun experience.
The only downside to this is that once you have caught up to the story you need to wait a week to read an update that is not as long as one would hope for. Also we can only have ONE profile which is annoying because My siblings would like to play the game as well but if I let them they would delete all of my data. :(
Still great app, keep the updates coming. And btw, sorry but I just dont like Sharon... I tried. And when are you bringing Lucky back? Now that would really be interesting... :D
Jaymie216 about Choices That Matter, v1.0.4752